
What do we do? Glad you asked!

Currently, we have 21 boys in our care in Uganda:  15 of the boys live with us in the home, 2 boys are away at boarding school and stay with us for holidays, and four boys have been resettled with their families in the village. All of the boys were living on the streets of Kampala, Uganda. Most are not orphans but were still unable to live at home for various reasons. We strongly believe in rebuilding the relationship between each boy and his family, so during the school holidays, the boys are encouraged to go home at least for a portion of it.

While the boys are in the home, they are provided with:
  • food and shelter
  • clothes
  • school or vocational training including all necessary supplies or equipment
  • loving Ugandan staff to care for them
  • counseling at least once a week
  • medical care
  • a music and dance teacher during the holidays and Saturdays during the school term
  • fun extras like trips to the beach, swimming pool, or zoo, movies, birthday parties

We are completely dedicated to these boys and helping them adjust to their new life off the streets. As a result, we currently are not taking on any other projects. We want to focus all of our energy and resources on the boys’ recovery. Working with street kids can be a very difficult job. Just when it seems a boy is doing well and adjusting to life in the home, something will trigger him and he will have a meltdown or runaway. Therefore, we feel it is not in the boys’ best interest for us to be involved in other projects at this time. If the boys are going to be able to adapt and thrive in the home, they currently need all of our attention and love.


After the boys are settled and doing well in the home, we do want to expand our ministry. Although we have lots of ideas, we are just unsure of where God will lead us next. You can be praying with us for guidance!